About Cosmetic Dentistry

Top-Rated Cosmetic Dentist in Redmond, WA

Your smile says a lot about you in both professional and personal situations, so it’s important to keep your teeth in tip-top condition and to correct any problems that may arise.

Dr. Kunal Narang is a highly-trained endodontist who treats patients at Sunrise Dental of Redmond. He has more than a decade of experience in cosmetic dentistry procedures that can improve the appearance of your smile, from whitening to reshaping teeth. If you’re in Redmond, Kirkland, Kings County area, call our office or make an appointment online today.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Dentists today command a wide range of techniques for improving the look of your smile, especially the aesthetics of the “social six,” your most visible top front teeth. As you may know, feeling self-conscious about your teeth can have a negative impact on how you interact with others and on your mental health overall.

Cosmetic dentistry is all about achieving your best and healthiest smile and can be quite a subtle process. It may involve making minimal, noninvasive adjustments to your existing teeth, or reversing changes brought about by aging. Dr. Narang can straighten, whiten, align, reshape, and even replace teeth if necessary, depending on your current state of oral health.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Our teeth tend to become discolored over time, especially if we smoke, consume coffee, tea, or wine, or take certain medications. Teeth whitening, using a specially-formulated bleach solution, can reverse this discoloration. This is performed either as a single in-office procedure or via a custom-made mouthpiece designed to be used over several sessions at home.

How Can Teeth Be Reshaped?

If your teeth are chipped, cracked, broken, or have excess spaces between them, Dr. Narang may use tooth-colored bonding materials to repair the surface and improve the overall look. He may combine bonding with enamel shaping, gently removing or contouring the outside of your teeth to fix chipped, overlapping, or crooked teeth or minor bite problems.

What is a Crown?

Sometimes a particularly worn or misshapen tooth needs to be completely covered with or replaced by a crown, a specially-molded cap that’s made from porcelain, resin, or ceramic materials. The crown covers and protects the damaged tooth and matches the surrounding teeth, ensuring an even smile.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are wafer-thin porcelain shells that cover the front surface of your teeth, concealing stains, chips, cracks, or other irregularities and protecting the tooth from future damage. Veneers are also custom-made to match your existing teeth. They are cemented in place, and if you maintain proper oral hygiene, can keep your smile bright for many years.

How Do You Select the Right Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure?

Cosmetic dentistry can be costly, and it can take time to achieve your brightest smile. Dr. Narang has many years of experience helping his patients select the most effective cosmetic dentistry procedures for their individual needs. If you’re in the greater Seattle area, call the office at Sunrise Dental of Redmond, Washington, or book an appointment with him online today.

Schedule Your Appointment Now

Schedule your appointment with the Best Dentist in Redmond, WA – 
Dr. Kunal Narang
and the team at Sunrise Dental of Redmond today.